Tuesday, May 2, 2017

6 Reasons to Get Addicted to Meditation

Most of the people are now getting addicted to Meditation due to various reasons and use it as a therapeutic tool. According to new studies, a large portion of the people has no free time after their busy schedule and getting suffered from depression, anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, etc. In fact, different types of meditative practices help you to reduce anxiety and strain and increase the level of general psychological comfort.

There are many proven reasons available that’s why one should be addicted to meditation. This article will demonstrate the depth of this spiritual technique. 

In depth Knowledge of Meditation:

The term Meditation has been practising from the ancient times. The ancient history of this term is closely restricted with the religious background. It was practised as a piece of a few religious traditions and values. In fact, the term ‘meditative practice’ holds different definition according to different authors.
It includes varieties of techniques, which will be benefited for health and mind. It helps to build inner peace, enhance empathy, love, patience, etc. Basically, through these traditional techniques, an individual can instruct their mind and stimulate a mode of awareness. The meditative practices also support to producing an emotional state for the idea of exploring the state, for instance, anger, hatred, etc. and developing the compassionate state.
In general, the meditative practices have different types of forms such as mindfulness, transcendental, compassion, mantra, Vipassana, Art of Living breathing practices, Yoga Nidra, yoga, loving-kindness, tai chi, etc. But, among all of those different forms, mindfulness Meditation seems generally advantageous. 
In this mindfulness process, an individual should just focus on one single thought and concentrate on the present situation. You can do it by three ways, for instance, focusing on the breath, observing each inhalation and exhalation, and ‘Om’ chanting process without thinking about other thoughts.
Indeed, it is not easy to follow it in one day rather it is a long-term process. You can achieve the Benefits of Meditation by doing it on a regular basis. In fact, many Neuroscientists used MRIs to evaluate the brains of meditators with other, which show that meditative practices experience physical changes of the brain.

6 Reasons to get Addicted to Meditation:

Increase self-happiness: In the current scenario, it is observed that most of the people are not feeling mentally peace due to their hectic work schedule. It boosts their level of depression, stress, and anxiety, which can cause inflammation that directly linked to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and skin conditions such as psoriasis.  They can switch off these issues by proper meditative practices. More you practice these techniques, the more benefit you will experience in your life. Try it for 15-20 minutes once a day; you will feel the more self-happiness.

Boost your health: Proper practice of these techniques will definitely boost your health by both mentally and physically. Many neuroscientists are proven scientifically that proper Meditation on a regular basis can actually reduce your blood pressure, boost your immune system, make you emotionally balanced, decreases the risk of heart diseases and stroke, decreases inflammatory disorders, handle the heart rate and respiratory rate and so on. Therefore, it will give you a complete treatment.   

Increase your memory size: This practice boosts your brain capacity or it can increase the power of memory for a better response. Long-term practice of meditation expands grey matter thickness in the areas of the brain connected with learning, memory, self-awareness, compassion. In other words, it upgrades various mental capacities and enhances cortical thickness in regions identified by focusing.

Improve your efficiency: A better productivity can cause by two major things such as attention and concentration. When an individual is capable of paying the attention and properly concentrate on one area at a time, then definitely they can be more productive in their working field. Meditative practices even enhance multitask capabilities and increase creativity but you should consider the proper Meditation Tips. But, these techniques will give you the proper result by a regular practice.  

Slower ageing process: Meditation techniques also help in longer life and lower danger of falling prey to different sicknesses. A regular practice of these techniques can boost your Telomeres chromosome that keeps your cells fresh and healthy. It helps to slow down your ageing process and glow your skin.

Improve social relationship: In the last but not the least, better personal and social connections are the most important things for us to survive in the society. Without it, we feel lonely and go into a deep depression. While doing meditation consistently every day, it will make you compassionate and improves emotional intelligence to deal with social life. 


In a nutshell, “Meditation” can be used as a therapeutic tool in our life. You will be absolutely experienced the paybacks. If you don’t have the time to do it twice a day, then you can do it once a day for 15-20 minutes. Do it consistently and get benefited. 


  1. Now a days meditation is the best medicine of ourselves. Very thanking u Mr. admin Abhaya Mishra.
    I appreciated ur blogs . Good job

    1. Thank you very much for your appreciation.

  2. Thanks for sharing the real power of Yoga....it is really informative and quite helpful.

    1. Thank you so much for your appreciation.
